If you have a water well at your home, you might think that cleaning it from time to time will solve all issues, but that is not always the case. You will also need to protect your water well from harmful pollutants. 

If you compare protecting your water well to cleaning it after it is already contaminated, protecting is actually easier than getting it cleaned. Although there are many services available, like water well testing Sparks, that can help you understand your water well situation, we suggest it is better to prevent than look for a cure. So, let’s move on to the things you can do to protect your water well from harmful pollutants. 

6 Ways to Protect Your Water Well

Let’s take a look at a few ways you can protect your well from getting contaminated.

Manage Harmful Waste 

To keep your well water safe from harmful toxic waste, it is important that you handle waste properly. This means getting rid of substances like paint, motor oil, medicines, and unused chemicals the right way. Many towns and cities have special areas where you can safely drop off these items. Just contact your local health department to locate one nearby.

Use Fewer Chemicals in Your Home

Try to use chemicals in your house or yard less frequently. This way, you will be able to protect your water well. Even if you do use them, make sure to dispose of them carefully. If you just dump them on the ground, the chemicals will slowly seep into the ground and contaminate your groundwater. 

Use Less Toxic Household Products

If you search properly, you will find a lot of eco-friendly products on the market that have less toxic ingredients. These are the safest products for your overall well-being and water well. You can try out products like phosphate-free detergents and household cleaners to cause less harm.  You can also switch to DIY natural products like baking soda, lemon juice, and vinegar to clean your house. These natural cleaners donot cost a lot and also help protect your well from getting polluted. 

Your Well casing should be 18 Inches above ground

Make sure the top of the Well Casing sticks out at least 18 inches above the ground and that it’s not in an area prone to flooding. This helps prevent water from seeping into the well when it’s rainy or during floods.

Seal Your well using the Right Methods

Make sure your well is sealed properly to stop pollutants from going down the well. A good seal also stops small animals like mice, lizards, and snakes from getting inside.

Your Septic System Must be 100 Feet Away

Your well should be at least 100 feet away from any septic system or leach field, including your neighbor’s. If a well is too close to a septic system, harmful bacteria from the septic system can contaminate the well water.

How do you know that you have polluted well water?

Regular testing helps you determine if your water is contaminated, but there are some signs you can look out for at home.

You might see “scale, scum, or encrustation” when you turn on your tap. Also, you might notice stains in your sink or on faucets. These stains could be orange, red, green, brown, or black. They might happen because of high acidity or high levels of copper, manganese, or iron in the water.

Some pollutants can make your water taste weird. It might taste salty, soapy, or sweet. A salty taste means there’s a lot of sodium. A soapy taste means there are alkaline minerals dissolved in it. If it tastes sweet or chemical-like, it could have VOCs, but most people can’t tell by the taste. Certain smells can also signal a problem. 


The most common ones are “rotten egg odors,” “detergent odors,” “musty or earthy smells,” and “chlorine smells.” If you notice any change in how your water looks, smells, or tastes, it’s important to contact a professional right away for water well testing mammoth lakes ca. 

Check if your well water is contaminated with Professional Water Well Testing Mammoth Lakes, CA.

Concerned about the quality of your well water? Do not wait because polluted water can cause serious health issues. So contact Bruce MacKay Pump & Well Service, Inc. for reliable water well testing services in the Mammoth Lakes area. With over 40 years of experience, we make sure that  the water in your well is safe and pure. Our team uses advanced testing methods to identify harmful pollutants and provide solutions based on findings. Don’t compromise your health and safety. Schedule your water well testing with Bruce MacKay Pump & Well Service, Inc. today!

How to Protect Your Water Well From Harmful Pollutants
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