Whether you need to treat hard municipal water or want a well water system, Impression Plus Series® softeners make sure that only high quality soft water flows out of your faucet. An easy-to-read LED screen and user-friendly console let you monitor all operating functions.
Sanitizer Plus Series® performs like four water treatment systems in a single unit. By combining our patented self-chlorinating technology* with advanced electronics, Sanitizer Plus softens, removes iron and manganese, and raises low pH levels.
Impression® and Impression® Plus Air-Injected Sulfur (IMPS) and Air-Injected Iron (IMPFE) Filters are extremely effective in removing sulfur and iron, commonly associated with problematic well water. The systems use air injection to oxidize sulfur or iron into precipitates that can be readily filtered and removed. Air filtration is environmentally safe because no toxic chemicals are used. The result is simply refreshingly good water from the tap every time. That is why it is one of the best Water Filtration Products Winnemucca.
Eclipse is a reliable residential water filtration system that gives you and your family safe, clear water whenever desired.
The Eclipse® R.O. drinking water filtration system is our top-of-the-line system, bringing your family the cleanest, healthiest water. The Multiple filters in Eclipse clean ordinary household water to reduce unwanted and harmful contaminants.
System performance is verified with a touch monitor at the base of the faucet without needing to be connected to electricity. The best part about this water filtration product Winnemucca, is that installing this whole-house water purification system is simple and can be done by your local plumbing company. Make sure that you hire professionals for the best installation to avoid problems in the future.
Once you install this system, you may filter the cold water line of any faucet or utilize a separate dispensing faucet for optimal flow and to save the cartridge’s life from processing water for dishwashing or other non-consumable purposes.
This easy-to-install water filtration products, Winnemucca, is a powerful tool for treating water at your home or commercial property. Its certified capabilities for removing lead and cysts provide an entry-level solution with the same qualities as more expensive filters.
UV technology is proven to control microbiological (bacteria & viruses) issues in water, including E.coli, Cryptosporidium, and Giardia lamblia. Intended for easy, do-it-yourself installation, a POLAR UV HWUVC4 system can be installed on the home’s main water line at the Point-of-entry, treating all the water coming into the home.
POLAR UV DISINFECTION SYSTEMS’s new line of rack-mounted UV/ filtration systems offers the convenience of an all-in-one package, making installation a simple “in & out” connection. Designed to effectively treat flow rates of 8 & 15 GPM, POLAR UV’s rack-mounted UVs provide the required 5-micron pretreatment with the option of a full-flow carbon filter to treat taste and odor. Installation of a UV system has never been easier with an innovative design that allows for feedwater to enter the filters from either the right or left side of the unit.
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