Types of Water Well Testing & How to Test Your Water Safely

When it comes to your home, a consistent flow of clean water is the foundation.

If you receive your water from the municipality, there are very limited maintenance protocols that you need to follow. However, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the rules on public drinking water systems protection do not encompass individual sources such as well water.

Therefore, well water testing in Sparks, NV, has become even more important if a well is your source of nourishment. So, let’s explore the basics.

What Is Well Water Testing, And Why Is It Important?

Well-water testing focuses on ensuring whether the water used from the well is fit for consumption. As the water flows and accumulates, it carries different substances which can be toxic for usage. Therefore, well-water testing helps make sure that your water is safe.

What Are The Different Types of Testing?

Listed below are some of the most important water well testing in Sparks, NV, that you should be carrying out.

Bacteria Testing

This is hands-down the most important form of testing if you source your water from a well. Bacteria like E.Coli that come from fecal matter can contaminate your water for consumption and threaten your health. Therefore, this test is important to ensure that your water does not contain any harmful bacteria.

Mineral Testing

The build-up of different types of minerals may lead to adverse effects on our health, so mineral testing is an extremely important step. The different mineral tests include chlorine, chloride, nitrate, zinc, potassium, and sodium.

pH Testing

This water well testing in Bishop, CA helps you understand how acidic or alkaline your water is. This level can change based on the concentration of hydrogen ions. Not only do changes in the pH level impact the taste and smell of water, but they also affect the health of the water. If your water is too acidic or alkaline, it can compromise your immunity system. Therefore, pH testing is conducted to make sure that your water is in optimal condition.

What Should Your Well Water Testing Look For?

While the basic tests cover how safe your water is for drinking, here’s what you should be looking out for in your well water.

  1. Chlorine- High amounts of chloride ions are found in contaminated water since natural water is low in them.
  2. Ammonia- As organic matters decompose, they increase the levels of ammonia. Therefore, ammonia in great quantities can not only change the smell or taste of water but also its safety.
  3. Nitrite- High levels of nitrite can have disastrous effects on your health, especially in babies. This disease is called the Blue Baby syndrome since it leads to blue discoloration in children.
  4. Phosphate- Standard levels of phosphate in natural water are important since it facilitates eutrophication.
  5. Nitrate- If your water source has nitrate levels higher than 3mg/lt, it can be dangerous and lead to nitrate poisoning in children.
  6. Hardness- This is caused mainly due to the presence of magnesium and calcium.
    • Soft water has less than 50mg/lt of calcium carbonate
    • Moderate water in terms of hardness has 50-150 mg/lt
    • Hard water has 150-300 mg/lt of calcium carbonate.
    • Very hard water has more than 300mg/lt of calcium carbonate.
  7. BOD- Biological Oxygen Demand is the amount of oxygen required by living beings for the oxidation process. However, high levels of BOD indicate high levels of water pollution.

How To Test Your Water Safely?

The most significant indicator of water pollution is taste and smell. However, there are other factors, such as

  1. Microbiological- Bacteria, viruses, protozoa
  2. Chemical- Minerals and metals
  3. Physical- temperature, color, smell, taste, turbidity.

If you face issues with any of these above mentioned factors, you might seek out water well testing in Bishop, CA especially from a reputed service provider.

Are You Looking For Affordable and Efficient Water Well Testing in Sparks, Reno? Look No Further Than Bruce Mackay.

We are Northern Nevada’s largest water well company, so whether you need deep cleaning or water filtration, we are here with the most efficient services while being cost-effective. Bruce Mackay Pump and Well Services’ new Know My Water app has been designed by renowned industry professionals to help you monitor and access information related to your well system.

With our several years of experience, we are known for providing expert advice and solutions, including certified water system audits, flow tests, and video well inspections. So for any water well testing in Bishop, CA, book your consultations now!

Types of Water Well Testing & How to Test Your Water Safely
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