water well installation

3 Tips for Well Owners Who Live in the Desert

If you own property in the desert, installing a water well might be your best option. As you probably already know, utilities aren’t available for many people who own property in desolate desert areas. A water well can provide you and your family with the water that you need, whether you live in the Great Basin Desert in Northern Nevada or another desert area.

Of course, there are certain challenges that go along with living in the desert. This is true with water wells, too. Fortunately, these tips can help you and your family maintain a proper water supply, despite the challenges that go along with living in a dry climate.

1. Make Sure Your Well is Deep Enough

When installing a water well in the desert, it’s critical to make sure that it is deep enough. Typically, water wells installed in the desert must be much deeper than in areas where water is more plentiful.

Work with the right water well installation contractor for help with this. Perform tests to determine where to install your well and how deep it should be. Talk to your neighbors about the depth of their wells can also give you an idea of what might work on your property.

Installing a deeper well is typically more expensive. Get a few estimates before having your water well installed to find out what the going rate is in your area. Also, look into your financing options to make your water well installation a bit more affordable.

2. Consider Having a Backup Water Source

Even if you install a deep well on your property, you could be concerned about running out of water. Hopefully, this is not something you will have to worry about. It is not a bad idea to have a backup water source in mind, though, just in case.

Many people who live in the desert choose to set up a water tank on their property. You can have water delivered to your home when you need to fill up your tank, and you can then use the water just like you would the water from your well. In fact, this is an option that will help you and your family get by until your water well is installed.

3. Conserve Water When You Can

One of the joys of having a water well is the fact that you don’t have to worry about paying a water bill. You may think this means that you can use as much water as you want without worrying about it, but this isn’t necessarily a good idea.

Because of the shortage of water in the desert, it is wise to conserve water in any way that you can. This can help you prevent your water well from going dry. Luckily, there are lots of different ways that you can conserve water throughout the year, all without feeling as if you are missing out on anything.

For example, swapping out your existing plumbing fixtures with fixtures designed to conserve water is a great first step. Being more mindful of your household water use can help you make small yet helpful changes, too, such as by turning the faucet off while you’re brushing your teeth.

Also, although you might think it’s pointless to do so in the desert, it’s smart to collect rainwater. It doesn’t take much effort, and when it does rain, you can use the collected water to take care of your plants. Saving bathwater or dishwater to use for watering plants and other similar uses is smart, too.

With a little bit of foresight, you can take advantage of a water well in the desert. Contact us at Bruce MacKay Pump & Well Service, Inc. if you need help with installing a water well on your Northern Nevada property.

3 Tips for Well Owners Who Live in the Desert

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