Hard Water in the Home? Consider Filtration

The difference between hard and soft water is this: hard water contains minerals such as calcium, lime, and other naturally-derived minerals, while soft water is treated and lacks the same mineral content.

Both hard and soft water have their benefits. For example, soft water is considered cleaner than hard water by many people, while hard water is often considered healthier to drink due to the addition of minerals the body needs naturally.

Why, then, should you consider filtering your water just because you have hard water in the home? Here are reasons why hard water should be treated with a water softener or filtration system for everyday use.

Your Clothing Is Affected

The same minerals that are present in hard water will often get left behind in your clothing when you do laundry. Hard water wears down clothing fibers, leaving your clothes dingy, dull, and lacking the shape they once had.

Furthermore, the chemical makeup of hard water makes soaps more difficult to lather, which means you have to use more detergent in your

washing machine to fully clean your clothing. You may also need to repeat a rinse cycle to fully remove any soap residue (although hard water residue will still be present). Switching to filtered water in the home can improve the quality of the items you wash and reduce water usage.

Your Skin Is Affected

If hard water leaves residue on clothing, imagine what the water does to your skin every time you shower or bathe. Hard water can leave your skin feeling slippery and unclean, and in fact, you likely aren’t getting as clean as you’d think.

If your skin is dry or irritated after bathing or showering and you have hard water in the home, your water source could be to blame. Speak to your plumber about a filtration system that can treat al your home’s water or just the bathroom supply.

Your Appliances Are Affected

Hard water leaves residue called limescale behind in plumbing pipes and appliances. Your dishwasher, showerheads, washing machine, and water heater can al be affected adversely by using hot water in the home.

Over time, your appliances can begin to wear out due to the water source you have. If you want your expensive appliances to last longer, switch to a water softener or filtration system in your home.

Your Cooking Is Affected

Hard water heats up at a higher temperature than soft water does, making it difficult to bring foods to a proper boil. Furthermore, the calcium in hard water can affect the cooking and taste of fruits and vegetables.

Gluten-containing foods can also be affected negatively by the minerals in hard water. If you have a hard time getting your bread to rise just right, you can blame hard water for affecting the yeast growth in your bread items.

Keep in mind that while soft water can carry a salty taste (and can take some time to get used to), hard water can also have its own negative flavor. Most notably, hard water can have a metallic flavor, which affects not just the foods you cook in the home, but your beverages as well.

Even if you don’t have a problem with your hard water supply in the home and don’t mind the taste, there are many reasons to get a filtration system to purify your home’s water. Your HVAC specialist will show you several solutions regarding water softening and filtration so you select the right option for your household.

Healthy water can improve several areas of your home. Call our team of specialists at Bruce MacKay Pump & Well Service to discuss your home’s hard water issues today.

Hard Water in the Home? Consider Filtration

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