How Often You Should Replace 4 Well Pump Components

One of the reasons why you need regular professional well maintenance for your water well is because components of the well pump can wear out over time. In some cases, lack of regular maintenance could lead to a failed part that leaves you and your family without water. Regular maintenance visits and inspections can help you avoid such an emergency situation.

Here are some examples of well pump parts that can wear out after years of service, along with their typical lifespans and maintenance needs.

1. Pump Motor Bearings

Like in any other motor, the motor bearings in your well pump can wear out over the years. However, the quality of the bearings and the frequency of use will affect how many years pass between replacements. For instance, if your pump has motor bearings designed for 25,000 hours of use, the bearings should theoretically last for years even with heavy use.

However, the bearings could fail early for reasons like contaminated oil. So you should always have your well pump expert check over your well pump every year. Typically the bearings don’t require attention every year, but in some cases, bearings may be able to be restored or replaced without replacing the entire motor (depending on what type of well pump you have).

2. Start Capacitor

A start capacitor is an electrical component inside the motor that provides power so the motor can start. Capacitors are used in many electrical motors, not just in well pumps. This boost of power allows the motor to overcome the inertia of staying still (which requires more energy than simply keeping a motor running once it’s already on).

If the capacitor goes bad, the pump may not start. And if the capacitor is starting to wear out, the pump may start more slowly than it used to and may seem to have more difficulty getting started. A capacitor may become damaged due to a lightning strike or other power surge, but even if no power surge occurs, the capacitor can still go bad.

The capacitor stores power like a battery and over time loses the ability to store as much as it needs to. After about three years, a start capacitor will need to be replaced.

3. Pressure Tank

The pressure tank on your well may be long-lived (up to 30 years) or may be a short-lived version (lasting around 5 years). As you can see, you’ll need to check what type of pressure tank you have in order to ascertain how often you’ll need to replace it. If you’re unsure, ask your well pump contractor what type of tank you have and how old it is.

Poor water quality with high amounts of rocks and other solids can also cause the tank to fail sooner. So if your water has a lot of sediments in it and requires a lot of filtering, be sure to factor that in.

4. Pressure Switch

The pressure switch can last for several years, but sometimes it can fail much sooner than you expect. To avoid being left without a functioning well, some homeowners simply have the switch replaced every year.

Your well pump contractor can make this replacement when they come out for their yearly maintenance visit. It’s typically a relatively quick and easy job for an expert, and doesn’t require a lot of parts either.

These are common lifespans and replacement intervals for several different well pump parts. As you can see, not every pump malfunction means you’ll automatically need a new pump. But keep in mind that the well pump will need to be replaced eventually too. Although a good well pump may last many years, it could also fail sooner than that if conditions aren’t favorable.

For more information on inspections, repairs, and well pump replacements, contact Bruce MacKay Pump & Well Service today. We offer a full spectrum of services for your existing well pump as well as drilling services if you need a new well installed.

How Often You Should Replace 4 Well Pump Components

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